Manifesting Peace & Compassion, at a distance.
"Peace & Compassion for whom, again?"
For targets identified in our world, which need Peace & Compassion desperately. More on how to identify such targets elsewhere.
Here, as promised in a previous article, we will look into our toolbox for an available and effective tool. Something that teaches one how to approach and meet The Challenge.
Ever since illness and death have been part of human existence, (probably the first day or very soon thereafter), an effort seemed obviously needed to make things better. Very prominently early on, to take away pain. To support recovery from illness. To find an escape from death, although this may not have been a primary concern, especially since nothing appeared efficacious in that pursuit, and at times, this may not have been viewed as an unnatural end to be avoided.
The primordial goal, from inception to the present: to relieve suffering and heal the sick where possible.
In general, the evolution of Medicine and its subspecialties remains a success story. Proof? Today's longevity statistics compared with those for a Roman in 30 BC. While there can be and are gripes: lack of sensitivity to some human needs, expensive, a source of health complications at times, global maldistribution, etc., etc., etc... we are today, at a distance from leeches and blood-letting, although they still in fact have their place and usage.
One guiding principle that has brought Medicine out of the Dark Ages, when someone's head was trephined to remove the "Stone (or Stones) of Madness, has been the Scientific Method. This, a process to evaluate accuracy of diagnosis (= naming the disease: a physician's main job), and effectiveness of a given treatment for that diagnosis, and when compared also with other treatments. The addition of Statistical Methods, and eventual Epidemiology, added immensely to the pursuit and definition of Medical Truths. An Idea becomes Hypothesis, which is tested to see if its strength holds to defend itself as Theory, or fall by the wayside. Such analytical tools can be extended too far it seems. "Withdrawal of chicken soup results in man's death."
Another fault of the Scientific Method, frequently arises in its dismissal of what it cannot prove to be "true." It would be OK, or at least better if in such circumstances it reported just that: "the study did not prove the hypothesis true, nor disprove it." Or, "no significant difference was found between these two treatments." Or, "no effect was found for this treatment when compared with a sham treatment."
But in domains where the structuring of that Scientific Method has been deemed difficult or impossible, let's select "energy healing" as an example, it should stick to its guns (or Method) and simply say: "no effect identified." Instead, practitioners and researchers have too often, more in the past than today certainly, simply dismissed what The Method could not figure out how to test, or simply, had other things to investigate. Investigations where if the hypothesis was A+B=C, one can hold "A" and "B" in one's hand (or in a beaker if too hot or messy), and measure "C" directly as well, and using some tool that can be calibrated and results measured and counted. Now that's a nice protocol. Absent such a nice protocol, certain phenomena are tolerated (not always), but not condoned. With or without ridicule. I liked the answer of one of my professors from the past: "I don't know. But I'll try to find out for you."
Not Medicine
Some aspects of human existence, fit poorly into The Scientific Method. I prefer to think, and consider it important to say, that they don't fit well yet.
But if something cannot at the present time be confirmed by The Scientific Method, does not mean that it can not be. Sir Isaac Newton, taking a Final Exam in Einstein's Theory of Relativity, would have obtained a poor grade.
So I prefer to give such "mysteries" another Heading ...
Becoming Medicine
There are some domains that resist dissection. They may also resist explanation for what is going on in their practice, because even their practitioners don't know. Shamanism, mentioned before, is one example. Sort of like answering a patient with appendicitis who asks: Q "How are you going to take out my appendix?" Ans. "Oh, I don't know, I'll give it a whack and see what happens. Hot lights and cold steel. I've never really understood how I get that little worm out, but suddenly there it is on the scrubbed Nurse's Mayo stand." In our present day and developed world, a less than satisfactory answer. Why? Because we are looking for facts, details, and explanation that reassures that this guy/ gal with the mask knows what he/ she is doing. Clearly, no relationship exists, or not a trusting relationship, when "time is of the essence." "Hope you know what you're doing! ..." is perhaps all one can hope for.
Is it actually possible that in the other scenario, whether the practitioner knows exactly what he's doing and can explain it in detail, step by step, or has no idea of what happens when he does what he/ she does ... doesn't matter? Because a trusting relationship has already been brought into being. Something to be remembered there. To "become Medicine," it should nevertheless meet some test or statement of effectiveness.
Happily, not to say "it's about time," The Scientific Method has in many of these often ancient and traditional interventions, begun to carry out a fly-by, and seek out a good and safe place to land in "Alternative Medicine."
How did we get into this?
We are looking for tools, somewhere in our toolbox, that can help us send Peace and Compassion where needed. And this with a minimum of wires. We dismiss here for now, to stay centered in our thoughts at, high explosives and other means of waging war as methods to pursue, saying one day: "Peace Is At Hand." We are working to get beyond that. The Challenge refuses to accept: "just not possible." So don't even ask.
If the goal of The Scientific Method is to be able to say: "Yeah, that treatment works," and keep the treatment. Or "Nope, those pills make no difference in the patient's care," and throw them in the trash with all their packaging and handy dispenser,... what is a pertinent example of "Becoming Medicine" that might have some useful and applicable methodology for The Challenge at
You might not like this but stay with me and click the link anyway : the Efficacy of Distant Healing.
Today, one might frequently hear a reflection akin to "Our world is getting sicker and sicker." And if that meets with at least a few vertical head nods, doesn't that suggest a need for some kind of healing, and by some kind of healer, or a team of healers? A team that directs its healing, towards one "patient," or as presented here one Target, at a time to sustain focus and combine and maximize its energy.
How will we know if we have fallen upon a valuable tool?