"When Does This Happen?"
Countdown ...
"When does The Challenge next begin?"
If you will still be online, use this counter ...
(Caution! Above clock may be off for a while during the switch to and from Daylight Savings Time).
To activate a clock below, click on its triangle >
The Challenge takes place each day, beginning at 12:00PM (noon), Greenwich Mean Time, and Lasts 20 minutes.
where I am in Belgium, the current time (GMT or UTC +1) is shown below : so I begin The Challenge at 13:00h on my clock.
Timers :
Timer at Satorio - End World Hunger
20 Minute Guided Exo-Meditation
20 Minute Guided Exo-Meditation with BWE
ALL the Guided Exo-Meditations (GEMs) on 1 page
If you prefer digital :
To help you understand when The Challenge happens where you are, here are some simultaneous World Clocks. Again, after this page loads, the clocks may not be running. Click on the triangle (>) to activate any or all of the clocks :
Let this video help you understand how to use the World Clock to find your Time On Target as you participate in The Challenge :
Given the risks and impossibility of converting The Challenge into a monastic practice from days gone by, half the world will be converting "12:00 noon GMT" into some pretty dark hours. As one can see here on the Clock Page, for time zones assigned from New York to Honolulu, Hawaii, and equivalent in the Southern Hemisphere, participating in The Challenge with a 12 hour shift, (12:00AM midnight GMT), is perfect. It forms a "Second Squadron" assuring two deliveries Send(ing)ThemPeace to the same Target, per day. Fantastic !